Health & physical movement for companies


Relaxation for stress release

Loosen up your employees with short and regular relaxation exercises during a work day. Improve their mental well-being in 20 minutes and teach them better management of stressful situations.

Relieve them from uncomfortable feelings of tension and anxiety. Improve their concentration, work commitment and overall psychological resistance to a demanding workload.

Why start with RELAXBREAK?

Remove feelings of anxiety, tension and nervousness
Improve patience, concentration and work commitment
Increase the feeling of calmness and serenity
Learn relaxation techniques for stressful situations

How does RELAXBREAK work?

RELAXBREAK is suitable for every business. Take a look how it works

Relaxation with a therapist at

office space

Relax with a lecturer at the company during working hours – ideally in a meeting room or similar office space

Relaxation in a shirt and skirt

Twenty-minute lessons focus primarily on calming employees down. So they can relax even in their skirt or shirt

Relaxation for a whole company

One lesson is ideal for up to 20 people. A lecturer can help to relax up to 100 employees in 100 minutes (with breaks for relocation)

Are you interested in RELAXBREAK?

Contact us