Health & physical movement for companies


Stretching for the whole company

Loosen up your employees with short stretching exercises during a busy working day. Improve their mood, concentration and productivity. Reduce their back pain from sitting too long behind an office desk and help them to prevent
musculoskeletal problems.

One FITBREAK lasts 15 minutes and is ideal for up to 20 people. In two hours, a lecturer will stretch up to 120 employees in your corporate offices or meeting rooms (including some time for group turns).

Why start with FITBREAK?

Increase of concentration and productivity

Blood circulates in the body and brain becomes oxygenated. Short exercises make employees more energetic, focused and productive.

Relieve tension in the body after prolonged sitting

Simple exercises relieve the neck and lumbar spine. The joint mobility is improved, and shortened muscles are stretched.

Improvement in mood and performance

Create hormones which help to reduce stress and tension. The mood is improved, and employees are driven to better performance.

Learning of short stretching exercises

Employees learn effective short exercises. They can easily repeat them on their own during the working day

How does FITBREAK work?

FITBREAK is suitable for every business. Take a look how it works

Exercise with an experienced lecturer

A lesson is led by a lecturer during working hours in the company – whether it is an open space, a classic office or a meeting room.

Stretching in a shirt and skirt

The fifteen-minute lessons focus primarily on stretching. So employees can exercise them even in a shirt or skirt

Physical activity for a whole company

One lesson is ideal for up to 20 people. The lecturer can stretch up to 120 employees in two hours (including relocation breaks)

Do you wanna stretch

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